Garlic and the Vampire by Bree Paulsen

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Have you read so far down the spooky book lists that you can no longer sleep and jump at every unknown noise?

Just me?

Ok, well here is the cutest book about a vampire that I have ever read. Garlic lives in a village of vegetable people and helps out in the garden of Witch Agnes. Garlic is always running a little late, tends to bump into things, and is just kind of anxious and stressed all the time. She would really love it if she could just stay in her garden all day and tend to her little garlic bulbs.

One day, her fellow villagers notice smoke coming from the chimneys of an abandoned castle. But when they ask Witch Agnes about the castle, she tells them a scary tale of a vampire who used to live there. Now, if anyone is going to go find out if their neighbor is indeed a bloodthirsty vampire, it only makes sense that Garlic be the one to go. She has a natural defense against vampires and because she can’t stand to let her friends down, she agrees to go.

What ensues is the cutest thing you will read this week.

I promise.

The art is just as beautiful as the friendships found within and I really loved how adorable the story was. I found this book through a cozy fantasy booktok account and immeadiately put it on hold from the Library. It’s also now in next month’s book order because I just can’t wait to share this with the Library Kids.

If you want to add this adorable graphic novel to your collection, you can click on the book cover for ordering information. As always, this post may contain affiliate links, including Amazon Associate links, and I may earn from qualifying purchases.