The Future is Yours by Dan Frey

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If you could take a peek into your future, would you look? It sounds like such a simple question. Of course I would! Who wouldn’t? The Future is Yours by Dan Frey examines what happens when ordinary people are given an extraordinary ability and the cost that ability has on the world. 

Told through a series of text messages, emails, news articles, and television transcripts, The Future is Yours tells the story of two friends, Ben and Adhi, and their computer that is able to read the internet of the future. As their computer proves more and more successful, the two men become exponentially richer and more driven. Pushing the limits of their computer’s ability also pushes their relationship, and the relationships they have with friends and family, to the limit. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. It brings up so many interesting and thoughtful questions about humanity and its relationship with time. When we think about wanting to see our future, we tend to assume that we will see ourselves doing something somewhat expected, just in the future. But what if you didn’t see yourself? What if you found your obituary? What if you found yourself the victim, or perpetrator of a crime? What if? What if? What if? There are so many what ifs that this book brings up that I couldn’t wait to find out how it would end. 

The Future is Yours is also an examination of the bonds of friendship and how much those bonds can handle. Ben and Adhi begin as mutual acquaintances but it’s their individual interests that bring them together. Ben wants nothing more than to be a successful entrepreneur. Adhi is a brilliant genius who can create intricate software programs. When Ben wants to pursue a future in the booming silicon industry, it’s obvious that Adhi is his key to success. As the two pursue their business venture together, the two become better and better friends, and as their success becomes more and more, their friendship begins to show signs of strain. Seeing their relationship grow and change from both points of view provides an intimate look at how they really felt towards each other, and how their relationship changes with their increasing success.

The novel’s epistolary form, especially the modern nature of the text messages, emails, and social media threads lends an intensity and urgency to the plot. Seeing the differences in how the characters write and express themselves gives us a clearer and more in depth picture of them as people. The novel is full of so many twists and turns, each one better than the last, that I was kept guessing all the way to the end. It’s another novel that kept my attention from start to finish, and I read the entire book in one sitting. 

Absorbing and fascinating, The Future is Yours is a thrilling look at money, power, and humanity. 

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Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own. 

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