The Lazy Genius Way: Embrace What Matters, Ditch What Doesn’t, and Get Stuff Done by Kendra Adachi

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If you pick one self-improvement/lifestyle book this year, I highly recommend The Lazy Genius Way. I have been listening to Kendra’s podcast for well over a year and I find her so calming and reassuring, but also so incredibly insightful about the little things in life. While you some of what Kendra shares in her book can be found within her podcast, it’s a bigger expansion on her principals for living a more meaningful and productive life. As a longtime listener to Kendra and her weekly Instagram live chat sessions, I read this whole book with her voice in my head. She has an audiobook version of this available with her as the narrator and I can’t wait to give it a listen. 

The layout of the book is excellent. Each of her thirteen principles has its own chapter. Along with plenty of real-world examples, each chapter ends with a summary section and one small step to think about and focus on. Kendra has talked openly about her requirement that the book be a quality hardbound that will be used and written in and she’s exactly right-so many times I found myself adding in notes and bookmarks. 

One of the best parts of this book is the way that Kendra can apply all of these principles to literally every part of life. Lazy Genius Principle #2 is Start Small. She uses the example of a beginning a yoga practice but it also applies to wanting to start your own business or beginning a garden. It has given me so many things to think about and a new perspective that has been especially helpful during these crazy times. Whether you are a parent, an adult, a person just starting out in college, or even on the older side, this book will be helpful. I truly believe that everyone will find something thought provoking and insightful. 

One thing you will not find on any of the pages is guilt or shame. Kendra’s focus on finding what truly matters to you as a guiding focus is literally that-what matters to you. Not to the other moms, social media, or your friends and family. What matters to you. 

It’s so good! If you pick this one up, please share your thoughts in the comments. I can’t wait to see what everyone has to say about it. 

If you would like a copy for yourself, you can get one here:

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You can find more about Kendra Adachi at

Want to listen to the podcast? You can find listening options here:

Follow Kendra on Instagram

I received an advanced copy of this title as part of Kendra’s launch team. All opinions and mistakes are my own.