Don't Overthink It by Anne Bogel

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I have been a longtime listener of the book podcast What Should I Read Next and if you haven't heard it yet, I highly recommend it. For several years now, I have trusted Anne and her soft, perfect for radio voice, to provide me with quality books in genres I don't typically read. Anne is a big believer in how learning about your personality type can help you better understand yourself and has written a book on called Reading People. Her second book, I'd Rather be Reading, is a love letter to readers everywhere about the joys of falling in love with books.

When Anne announced on her podcast that she had a third book coming out, I instantly preordered it. And just to throw this out there,  she's a mom of 4 kids, runs a podcast, a website, and teaches online classes. How does she do it all? I'm ready for her to write that book!

Don't Overthink It is full of sound advice backed by research on how to stop stressing about decisions and instead, trust our instincts and experiences to guide us into making the right decision for us. Anne gives us examples from her own life on how the stress of overthinking decisions can lead to fatigue, exasperation, and spending time stressing instead of enjoying our lives.

With our world in such a state of chaos right now, I found this book to be the calming influence I need right now. School is cancelled for at least the next month which means now we're doing remote learning. Should I have The Kid stick to his regular school day schedule or be more flexible? Will being flexible lead to us not getting all of his work done in a timely manner? Would it better to spend the day hiking-far from other people in a remote park-or spend hours on the computer completing math and science assignments? How much screen time is too much? It can be overwhelming or I can trust his teachers will be understanding about the differing needs of families and know that not everything will get done on the day it's scheduled. One should never pass up the chance to go hiking in a park that is miraculously empty of people. That bottle calf named Mae Belle who joined the farm last week, she'll be the best teacher of consistency and needing to follow schedules because that little girl lets you know when she is hungry! She can just as easily teach him patience and empathy as any of his Social Emotional assignments can.

Don’t Overthink It allowed me the confidence to trust my instincts and quit stressing about the small stuff.  And, even some of the big stuff.

I thoroughly enjoyed this title and if you would like a copy for yourself, you can get yours here:

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