Looking Forward to 2021

Reader Friends, it is no exaggeration to say that 202o was rough. Frankly, 2020 can go f*ck right off to the moon and back. And then do it again. I am truly looking forward to the upcoming year and all the hope that it brings. Now, is that the most naïve thing you’ve read today? Probably. Does that bother me? Nope. Here’s a meandering list of things I’m looking forward to, both big and small.


All the books! There’s some great releases coming in 2021 and here’s a few that I’m excited about:



I’m a big fan of the AllTrails app. It can use your location to find nearby hiking trails or you can search for specific locations. You can specify what type of trail you’d like and your difficulty level. We’ve used it to find some real gems that we had no idea were so close to us. I pay for the Pro version and found it worth every penny.

A Break from Home Construction

I think 90 sheets of drywall has broken my brain. While we’re luckily at the stage where I can begin painting soon, there is still flooring and all the tiling to do in the bathroom. Yes, this is a really privileged problem, but I’ve also lived through nearly 15 years of constant construction and I’m ready for a break. And my knee still hurts…

What are you looking forward to in 2021? Anything big, small, or possibly in-between? However you are beginning the new year, I do hope that you find peace, love, and joy.
